1. Ay, se me quedó en casa.
2. No, se le olvidó llamarlo.
3. Se le rompieron jugando al fútbol.
4. Ay, se nos olvidó.
5. No, se me perdió.
6. Se nos rompió.
In this exercise you have to choose the best option taking into account the person you are referring to.
For example, taking into account the questions below you can answer in the following way:
1. Did you bring the gift for David?
-Ay, se me quedó en casa. / I left it at home.
2. Did you call the doctor Cecilia?
-No, se le olvidó llamarlo. / No, he forgot to call him.
3. What happen to Ramon's pants?
-Se le rompieron jugando al fútbol. / They broke up playing football.
4. Did you remember to make the reservations?
-Ay, se nos olvidó. / Oh we forgot it.
5. Silvia, do you have the hospital number?
-No, se me perdió. / No, I missed it.
6. Children, what happened to the window?
-Se nos rompió. / It broke us.