To answer the first problem, first we have to transfer all of the fractions and decimals into one type of math. It is a personal preference, so for this problem I'll just choose decimals.
0.7 (-0.6 - 0.5)
Next, we must use the distributive property to simplify these decimals.
-0.42 - 0.35
When we subtract these final two values we get:
-0.77 or -77/100
Now for the second problem, the numbers are all already all in decimal form, so all we have to do is simplify the preexisting numbers.
1.65 - 1.935
When we subtract these final two values, we get:
-0.285 or -57/200
So, your answers are
#1 = -0.77 or -77/100
#2 = -0.285 or -57/200