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Contract Disputes. Contract disputes occur when one or more parties who signed a contract cannot or will not fulfill their obligations.

 Property Disputes. 

Property law involves disputes about property ownership and damages to one person’s property or real estate. There are many different types of property disputes that a civil litigation attorney may handle. One common one is property line disputes, in which one party alleges that a neighbor crossed the property line boundary between their two homes for building or planting.

Torts. A
tort is a civil case in which one party alleges that another caused them physical or emotional harm. Tort cases can take many different forms, and can relate to a person’s personal safety, safety of their property, and financial security. Common torts related to accident and injury include assault or battery cases, and negligence cases in which one party alleges that a caregiver did not do their assigned duty.ction Cases.

Complaints Against the City.
Complaints against the city or federal government are generally settled out of court, but in the even that the government refuses to settle the complaints are generally tried as civil cases. These cases can be brought in any case where the plaintiff alleges that city law or policy has caused harm to its citizens.