Respuesta :

2= If the last digit of the integer is an even number, then the number is divisible by 2.

Ex. 42 (since 2 is even, 42 is divisible by 2)

3= If the sum of the digits is divisible by 3, then the number is divisible by 3.

Ex. 81 (since 8+1=9 and 9 is divisible by 3, then 81 is divisible by 3)

6= If the number is both divisible by 2 & 3, then the number is divisible by 6.

Ex. 6(since 0 is an even number, then 60 is divisible by 2. since 6+0=6 and 6 is divisible by 3, the 60 is divisible by 3. Since 60 is both divisible by 2&3, 60 is divisible by 6.)
if the number is even, like 8, it is divisible by 2.

if the digits in the number add up to a number divisible by 3, like 36, it is divisible by 3.

if the number is both divisible by 2 and 3, like 48, the number is divisible by 6