1. When you give an in-text citation to a web site in a research paper, the citation must include the URL of the web site.
True or False
2. Assume that you want to use information from page 75, 84, 95-97, and 210 of Thomas Fleming’s book The Louisiana Purchase, which was published in 2003 in Hoboken, NJ. by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The correct Works Cited page citation for this book is Thomas Fleming. The Louisiana Ourchase. 2003: Hoboken, NJ., John Wiley & Sons.
True or False
3. Assume that you are using a web page as a source for a research report. When you compile the Works Cited page, you would alphabetize the entry for the web site by the name of the web site - - even if your source is only one specific page at that website and the author of the page is not named.
True or False