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What is relationship?

Relationship is a connection with other people. Now, these living things don't necessarily only have to be people, but they can also come in the form of animals and inanimate objects. One can have multiple relationships at a time. These include family, friends, relatives, pets, certain objects, places, and significant others. You have a relationship with your mother the day you are born because you two are connected by blood, and the same goes for your father. You may have siblings who share that same blood, which connects you all. Relationships don't need to be connected with only blood, but the heart. You make friends in school or even outside school, and that's because you like them. Gradually, as you get older, you may add another relationship to your list: A romantic or sexual one. This one is a more deeper form of a friendly relationship.

Hey Angel! I hope this helped you! c:

Definitions will vary in wording but should be close to: type of connection between people who have sustained (repeated) interactions. Types of relationships could include: family, friends, online, teammates, coworkers, school, romantic, etc.