Wrthe the spelling words that can be formed from the Greek
veos. Check your answers in the Spelling Diclionery.
15. graphein (lo write)
16. therme (heal . states (one thof causes fo sland)
17. tele (at a distance) + graphein [lo wrile)
18. therme (heal) s metron [measure)
19. autos (self + graphein (lo wrile)
ułos (self) + bios [life) + graphein Do write)
TEKS 6.21B Use spellinig pattens and rules and print and alectronic resources to determine and check
correct spelings
plz plz help me on spelling

Wrthe the spelling words that can be formed from the GreekDictionarvveos Check your answers in the Spelling Diclionery15 graphein lo write16 therme heal states class=