Respuesta :

Developed discontinuities are the root of all welding problems.

A discontinuity would be regarded as a flaw if it made a weld less effective or of inferior quality. Defects render the product unsafe to use or below par. Whether the discontinuity counts as a defect or not is left up to quality control.

Only a generic explanation may provide a useful guide to distinguishing faults from discontinuities since the distinction between discontinuities and defects differs from industry to industry.The difference is as highlighted below:

  • Any weld would be considered defective if the welder or quality control team rejected it and put the item on a blacklist.
  • The quantity or kind of discontinuities that are permitted on a product before it is classified as defective will be listed in a specified list of permissible discontinuities.
  • A flaw won't hold up in a field test, but a discontinuity will. An undesirable profile might pass for a discontinuity as long as the pipe doesn't leak, but a break in a water pipe would constitute a fault since the water will leak.

To know more about weld defects, refer to: