Just a quick question, how do you set something == to char and int in an if statement (java)
Write a method checkCharacter() which has 2 parameters: A String, and a specified index (an int). Method checkCharacter() checks the character at the specified index of the String parameter, and returns a String based on the type of character at that location indicating if the character is a letter, digit, whitespace, or unknown character.

Ex: The method calls below with the given arguments will return the following Strings:

checkCharacter("happy birthday", 2) returns "Character 'p' is a letter"

checkCharacter("happy birthday", 5) returns "Character ' ' is a white space"

checkCharacter("happy birthday 2 you", 15) returns "Character '2' is a digit"

checkCharacter("happy birthday!", 14) returns "Character '!' is unknown"

Your program must define the method:

public String checkCharacter(String word, int index)

this is what i got to but im stuck on how to find out if its a char or int

public class TollCalculation {

public double calcToll(int hour, boolean isMorning, boolean isWeekend) {

Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

int timeHour; // Time of travel hour (24 hour format)

int timeMinute; // Time of travel minute

int inputColon; // Used to read time format

String userInput; // User specified time

double tollAmount;


public static void main(String[] args) {

TollCalculation tollObj = new TollCalculation();

// Test the three samples from the specification.

System.out.println(tollObj.calcToll(7, true, false));

System.out.println(tollObj.calcToll(1, false, false));

System.out.println(tollObj.calcToll(3, true, true));



Respuesta :

This is the requested code in java.

public class CharTest {

   public static String checkCharacter(String text, int index) {

       if (0 <= index && index <= text.length()) {

           char ch = text.charAt(index);

           if (Character.isLetter(ch)) {

               return ch + " is a letter";

           } else if (Character.isDigit(ch)) {

               return ch + " is a digit";

           } else if (Character.isWhitespace(ch)) {

               return ch + " is a whitespace character";

           } else {

               return ch + " is an unknown type of character";


       } else {

           return "index " + index.toString() + " is out of range";

       } // end if

   } // end function checkChar()

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       // Test the three samples from the specification.

       System.out.println(checkCharacter("happy birthday", 2));

       System.out.println(checkCharacter("happy birthday", 5));

       System.out.println(checkCharacter("happy birthday 2 you", 15));

   } // end function main()

} // end class CharTest

The function checkcharacter(text, index) returns a string value describing the kind of character found at the position in text specified by index; whether it was a letter, digit, whitespace, or an unknown kind of character.

How it does that is to make use of respective functions defined within the Character class in java. That is

  • isLetter(char) returns a bool specifying if the char parameter is a letter.
  • isDigit(char) returns a bool specifying if the char parameter is a digit.
  • isWhitespace(char) returns a bool specifying if the char parameter is a whitespace character.

It calls these functions in an if statement. These else part of the if statement is then executed if the character is neither a letter, digit, or whitespace.

Finally, the function main() calls checkCharacter() three times to test the function and return the results to the console.

Another example of a java program on characters is found in the link below
