B major: B D# F#
E Major: E G# B
A Major: A C# E
D Major: D F# A
G major: G B D
C Major: C E G
F Major: F A C
Bb Major: Bb Eb g
Eb major: Eb G Bb
Ab Major: Ab C Eb
Db Major: Db F Ab
Gb Major: Gb Db F
In treble clef, the order from bottom to top goes
E G B D F (lines)
F A C E (spaces)
So you would just place the notes accordingly.
In bass clef, everything is just a line or space below what it would be in treble clef. For example, 2nd space A in treble is now in 1st space in bass. The order is now
G B D E A (lines)
A C E G (spaces)
As you would in treble, just place the notes accordingly.