
"The Missing Moment"
by Fredrick Zydek

It's that split second when you could have said
"no" but went along with the crowd; the chance
you had to step from the chaos into a sweeter
season but allowed fear to nudge
you back into

5 5 the status quo' Dream tending is a difficult art.
They must take their terrible shape in the theatre
of the imagination, wait for the perfect moment,
then roar from the silence wearing a plethora?
of logical explanations and all the primary colors.

10 These are moments that have a lot in common
with opportunity. Often they knock only once,
cast but a brief smile in our direction, then move
on. They are moments that make or break us.
They decide the shape our karma will take, fix

15 our moral compass, and determine who we will be
when the sun comes up the following morning.

Ya’ll what does this poem even mean???

Respuesta :

The poem shows how life is dynamic, full of ups and downs where we are always getting it wrong and right.

We can arrive at this answer because:

  • The poem shows how life is something in constant change, adaptations, defeats, and victories.
  • The poet does this by reflecting on the moments when we act on the thoughts of a crowd, on illusions about prosperity and unrealistic ideas.
  • This often causes us to get stuck in bad and unmotivating situations.

However, these situations and our moments of illusions are fleeting and the dynamism of life will also promote pleasant and rational situations.

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