You have observed that sales of your main product, alafia bitters , is gradually going down. As the marketing manager of your company, write a report to your superior recommending four methods that could change the situation positively.

Respuesta :

Hi, I provided suggestions that could be included in the report.


Among the many methods of boosting sales, the following methods are commonly used by marketers:

  • Increasing product marketing: this often involves widening out the marketing strategy to include more social media channels.
  • Price adjustment: this involves reconsidering the fixed product price in other to incite more demand.
  • Rebrand product: this may involve changes in packaging, product features, etc.
  • Reevaluate your target customer: this could mean, determining if the product needs to be retargeted towards a different set of customers who are more prone to demand the product. For example, deciding to target older adults than teenagers.