
1. Define alcohol abuse.
2. Compare the terms enabling and codependency.
3. Identify the term for “the physical and mental
defects that affect a fetus that has been exposed
to alcohol because of the mother’s consumption
of alcohol during pregnancy.”
Understanding Key Ideas

4. Distinguish between alcohol abuse and alco-

5. Describe the stages leading to alcoholism.

6. Name six warning signs of alcoholism.
7. Summarize the effects of alcoholism on the family.
8. Identify which of the following is a way in which
alcoholism affects society.
a. destruction of the family
b. increased medical costs
c. increased crime
d. all of the above
9. Compare two programs for treating alcoholism.
Critical Thinking
10. Making GREAT Decisions What would
you do if you noticed a friend displaying several of
the warning signs of alcohol abuse?

Respuesta :



Alcohol abuse is the habitual misuse of alcohol.


Enabling is a person helping an addict avoid the negative consequences of his or her behavior. Codependency is a state in which a family member or friend puts their own needs aside to help an addict.


Fetal alcohol syndrome


Drinking too much alcohol or at inopportune times is referred to as alcohol abuse. Alcoholism is an illness under which a person's drinking activity becomes uncontrollable.


The stages leading to alcoholism are problem drinking, tolerance, dependence and alcoholism.


Six warning signs of alcoholism are drinking alone, drinking to get drunk, drinking more for the same high, feeling depressed, being defensive about drinking, and changing friends, personal habits, and interests.


Alcoholism can have a negative impact on a family by causing shame, erratic conduct, abuse, neglect and loneliness, and ignoring one's own needs while protecting the alcohol.


d. all of the above


Al-Anon is a program that offers treatment and assistance to alcoholics' families, with the goal of allowing family members to speak about and share advice about the issue of living with an alcoholic. Alateen is a program that provides medication and assistance to alcoholics' families while also assisting teens in coping with their situation.


I'd alert my friend about the harmful effects of alcohol on his or her body, and then I'd try to help them overcome their addiction by approaching someone they know or are currently living with.