Please help me if you can.

1. How does consumer behaviour affect the quality of life for individuals and groups in Canada and the U.S.?
2. What affects the impact of consumerism on the economics of Canada and the U.S.?
3. To what extend does marketing affect consumer behaviour?
4. As consumers do we realize where we are getting our things from and at what cost
it took (environmentally) to get to our local stores?
5. What are the major places we see ads?
6. To what extent do the products we consume define who we are and what’s important to our quality of life?

Respuesta :

1. Consumer behaviour ends up impacting the quality of life by letting the consumers, purchase or acquire whatever product or service they want

2. Consumerism influences the economics of both Canada and the US, it reflects some common values that shape the economic needs of both countries

3. Marketing campaigns can influence consumer behaviour because they elicit reactions and end up utilizing imagery