Given N lines of input, print the 3rd character from each line as a new line of output. It is guaranteed that each of the n lines of input will have a 3rd character.
Input Format
A text file containing N lines of ASCII C characters.
Constraints 1
Output Format
For each line of input, print its 3rd character on a new line for a total of N lines of output.
Sample Input
how are you
Sample Output
Explanation of what to submit Submit your code and output in a word document. Also, submit the actual script in a separate.txt file
You are given a file with four space separated columns containing the scores of students in three subjects. The first column contains a single character (A-2), the student identifier. The next three columns have three numbers each. The numbers are between 0 and 100, both inclusive. These numbers denote the scores of the students in English, Mathematics, and Science, respectively.
Your task is to identify those lines that do not contain all three scores for students.
Input Format
There will be no more than 10 rows of data. Each line will be in the following format: [Identifier][English Score][Math Score][Science Score]
Output Format
For each student, if one or more of the three scores is missing, display:
Not all scores are available for [Identifier]
Sample Input
A 25 27 50
B 35 75
C 75 78
D 99 88 76
Sample Output
Not all scores are available for B
Not all scores are available for C
Only scores have been provided for student B and student C.