Each student gets 4 green stickers and 5 purple stickers or a total of 9 stickers.
The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two or more natural numbers or integers (not numbers with decimals) is the largest number that divides them. In other words, the Greatest Common Divisor is the greatest of the common divisors of several numbers. To calculate it, each of them is decomposed into prime factors. The GCD is the result of multiplying the factors that are repeated in all the decompositions, affected by the smallest exponent.
In the event that no factor is repeated, the GCD of those numbers is 1, and the numbers are said to be "prime to each other."
In this case, the decomposition of 12 and 15 is:
12 = 2²*3.
So the GCD between 12 and 15 is 3
Now, to calculate how many green and purple stickers each student receives, you simply divide the amount of each sticker color by 3.
12÷3= 4
15÷3= 5
So, each student gets 4 green stickers and 5 purple stickers or a total of 9 stickers.