How Photography Connects
1. David Griffin shares various photographs to open up his talk. In unit 9 we have covered
photographs with movement, do you feel that the photographs Griffin shares fit into the
category of photographs with movement?
2. Griffin says that photographers 'tap into something when connecting to the viewer. What is
the 'something that they tap into and did you learn about this during your study in unit 9?
3. Griffin tells a story about photographing elephants in a wildlife sanctuary in Africa. He says
that the photographer brought back more than just an amazing story. What did the
photographer create with his photos? Do you believe that the ability to create what he
created is something that can be learned in the classroom?
4. Griffin shares a funny story about photographer Paul Nicklin who was shooting leopard
seals. Think back to the tips and advice learned in the unit about photographing wildlife; do
you feel that Nicklin adhered to any of these tips that you learned about?