Analyze the impact of the civil rights movement on your community. Did it have its
intended effect where you live? After reading about American society before the civil rights movement, how do you think the country has changed since the time when segregation was legal? Is there still room for improvement? If you think so, explain why.

Respuesta :


There was segregation were I live. The movement did have an impact because there is no more segregation anymore. So now people of all colors can be in the same table and classroom together. But there is still room for improvement. There are still racist mean people out there. some people still dont have any respect for colored people.


I hope that's a long enough paragraph! you can add to it if you want, hope it helps! :)


In my State there have been drastic improvements from when segregation was legal. People now get equal rights in movie theaters, Diners, Restaurants, Schools, City’s etc. It’s not often you see segregated people based on their skin tone. And when different colored people talk to each other now it’s usually as friends or family, not them arguing about their skin color and calling them other racial slurs. Although that’s not to say that there still isn’t room for improvement, there are still racist people everywhere you just don’t see it as often.  

Now most people now support each other no matter what skin color you are but some people still hate different skin toned people and that still needs to be changed. There's just more people there to help the cause and fight for equality than there was back before the civil rights movement.
