What constitutional principle prevents the tyranny that James Madison describes in the quotation below from taking place? " The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and Judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many... may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyanny." - James Madison, the federalist No. 47, 1788. Answer A) popular sovereignty B) separation of powers C) federalism D) Judicial review

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the separation of powers

If you said separation of powers, you got it! Remember that separation of powers was an Enlightenment idea. Madison wanted the powers of government separated between the branches. No branch would have more power than the others. In the quote, he points out that if the judicial branch could also make and enforce laws, it could threaten the citizens well-being ("behave with violence").

Judicial review refers only to the judicial branch. Popular sovereignty means the people have the power in government. This idea is not discussed in the quote. Checks and balances means that each branch has certain ways to limit the power of the other branches. Keep reading to learn more!