Suppose after graduating from college you are offered two jobs doing basically the same thing at two different companies.

Option A: Company ABC offers to pay you $60,000 per year with no benefits such as health insurance, sick pay, or vacation pay.

Option B: Company XYZ offers to pay you $48,000 per year, and they have a company health care plan that pays 75% of your $500.00 a month health insurance premium. In addition, Company XYZ will give you 1 week of paid sick leave per year and 1 week of paid vacation each year. Company XYZ also matches retirement contributions up to 3% each year.

Respuesta :




Remember, job compensation play s major role in enhancing employee performance.

Therefore this is the best possible option to go for considering the compensation, as well as the benefits attached.

The only reason where one may choose the other option is if the cost of living on options B is excessive, leaving little or far less savings than options A.


I will choose option B


I would choose option B. Because Company XYZ is offering assistance in many places like healthcare, vacation, sick pay, and even retirement.