According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, malnutrition is more responsible for "more ill health than any other cause".
The WHO states that malnutrition includes undernutrition, overweight or obesity, stunting, inadequacy of vitamins or minerals, and other diet-related nutritional but non-communicable diseases.
Undernutrition in the form of wasting, underweight, or stunting is common in developing countries; while overweight and obesity issues are common in developed countries.
As per the WHO’s 2018 Global Nutrition Report, the rate of malnutrition due to undernutrition is very high in many countries of the world with African countries rating the top.
The WHO strongly believes good health is dependent on good nutrition.
A good well-balanced nutrition helps children to "survive, grow, develop, learn, play and contribute"; whereas malnutrition will deprive all these things as well as their future.
Hence, it has developed and envisaged numerous programs to improve the nutritional status of people in many countries.