He needs to find the perfect combinations of words to blend in what he wants to state and what Reagan did. Reagan’s speech didn’t use difficult words to express his message. Some of the highlights he should focus on are that this was the first time the US space program lost people in the air. That the US space program is still a pioneer in any space matter or subject, and that they are just beginning to expand their horizons. The message to the kids that were watching in schools is that all of this is part of the process and sometimes there are a series of unfortunate events that lead to this type of tragedy. He should mention that the US government will always have faith in the space program and that this tragedy will not stop them or diminish them. He should state the empathy that everyone had to the people working in the project and there was no one to blame. Finally, he should end with this quote from Reagan: “Sometimes, when we reach for the stars, we fall short. But we must pick ourselves up again and press on despite the pain”.