Shani has an intense problem with leaving her house. She often refuses to do so, and in cases when she will go out, she simply must be by her mother's side at all times. This goes as far as requiring her mother to be in physical contact (holding hands, clinging to her mother's clothing) whenever they go shopping. Shani also refuses to go to a peer's house for a play date unless her mother stays the whole time and is never more than one room away. Shani may be diagnosed with:

Respuesta :


Shani may be diagnosed with: Separation Anxiety Disorder.


Separation Anxiety Disorder, has common with other anxiety disorders, the effect of inabilitation that it produces in a person. In this case Shani is not able to live her own life without having a person standing next to her, to can calme her down. A person suffering from this, is in need of having somone close bein around, or being at home were they feel accompanied.

As most anxiety disorders, they are follow by the inhibition or incapacitation of a person when facing the object or the scene that trigers anxiety. This affects different aspects of a person's life, it difficults socialization, independence, attending to school for learnig and other daily activities.