Try to determine how much money you would have if for a month you were given a nickel on day one, two nickels on day two, three nickel on day three and so on. what type of process would you use?

Respuesta :


In a 28 day month 20 dollars and 30 cents

Step-by-step explanation:



If cents equal to or greater than 100 than = dollar

$30 money you would have if for a month you were given a nickel on day one, two nickels on day two, three nickels on day three, and so on.

What is arithmetic series?

The arithmetic series is a series in which the numbers are in the order of some common difference. The difference between any two consecutive numbers is constant.

[tex]a_n = a_1 + (n -1)d[/tex]

you would be using a be using the [tex]a_n = a_1 + (n -1)d[/tex] meaning that it's the previous entry plus the different process.

[tex]a_n = a_1 + (n -1)d[/tex]

[tex]a_{30} = .05 + (30-1).05[/tex]

[tex]a_{30}[/tex] = $29.10

Thus, $30 money you would have if for a month you were given a nickel on day one, two nickels on day two, three nickels on day three, and so on.

Learn more about arithmetic series: