Twenty thousand leagues under the sea is considered science fiction because it _____. is a work of fantasy is a work of pure scientific fact breaks away from reality takes place in unreal world portrays life at sea in the 19th century is based on science fact or assumption

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All of the above. Fantasy, breaking away from reality, takes place in an unreal world, and is based on science fact or assumption are all characteristics of science fiction. Science fiction typically portrays space or time travel with life on another planet. 

A. is a work of fantasy

C. breaks away from reality

D. takes place in an unreal world

F. is based on science facts or assumption

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is considered the science fiction because this breaks away by the reality, or it is a work of fantasy, is based on science facts and assumptions, or takes place in the unreal world.

What is the meaning of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the seas?

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas

A Tour in the Underwater World "20 Thousand Leagues Under the Seas: A Tour of the Underwater World") is the classic science fiction adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne published on 1870.

Learn more about Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea here