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states learned to use gunpowder to develop weapons (cannons, musketeers)Nicolaus Copernicus: what was his theory and how was it revolutionary?1) heliocentric theory: that sun was in the center of the universe
2) ran counter to standard wisdom: before, the earth was the center so human beings were at the center of the universe's "importance"
Scientific Revolutionduring 1600-1700s, pace of scientific discovery accelerated;which 2 scientists developed modern scientific method?1) Rene Descartes
2) Roger Bacon 
used observation and experimentation to prove theoretical hypotheses
Galileo and Kepler? Church vs Galileo?confirmed and popularized heliocentric theory; put him in opposition to the Catholic Church; he was forced to renounce his scientific discoveries in the InquisiionProtestants and Science?some proetestant nations rejected new science, but most Protestant nations (like England and the Dutch Republic) were safe havens for scientific pioneersExamples of some scientific developments pioneered in the Scientific Revolution?states of matter (liquid, gas, solid); fact that organisms are made of cells; concept of the vacuum; also invented telescope, microscopeIsaac Newton: laws he's known for? what distinguished him? book?laws of gravity/motion; understood science as a single system of thought (Newton physics) wrote the PrincipiaRift in Buddhism?as it spread throughout Asia, there was tension between the older "Theravada" (Hinayana) schools of thought that emphasized simplicity and meditation
vs Mahayana demonination that emphasized rituals and the afterlife
what furthered Shia-Sunni divide in 900s?Shiism took hold if Safavid empire as they ruled over Sunni majorityRole of Imams for Shiite Muslims? role of the 12th imam?12 religious authorities who interpreted Sharia law; they are Ali and the 11 leaders who followed him until the mid-1800s; 12th imam is supposed to have never died, but remains suspended as a spiritually eternal messiah named "Mahdi"two empire rivalries that parallel Sunni-Shia split?Ottoman Empire (Sunni) and Safavid Persia (Shiite)2 major religious powers that dominated the west in 1500s (prior to the Protestant Reformation)?Eastern Orthodoxy and Catholicismweakening of Catholic and Orthodox powers in 1400s?Orthodox: weakened until Byzantium fell in 1453
Catholic church: pope forced to move to Avignon; rivarlries b/w 2 popes; population questions spirit of Church;s [corrupt] authority during Renaissance
Protestant Reformation? (what he did protest, what did he do about it, what did it lead to?)Martin Luther protests sale of indulgences; nailed 95 theses on Church doors; founded new Church of Lutheranism after Catholic church excommunicated him