What is culture, and how does Pattanaik explain that “my world” is always better than “your world”?

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PATTANAIK: Their world is objective, logical, universal, factual, scientific. My world is subjective. It's emotional. It's personal. It's perceptions, thoughts, feelings, dreams. It is the belief system that we carry. It's the myths that we live in. Their world tells us how the world functions, how the sun rises, how we are born. My world tells us why the sun rises, why we were born.


How does Pattanaik describe “my world” and “your world”? Your world is logical, universal, factual, and scientific in nature. My perception of the world is subjective. It's a really emotional situation. It's a private matter. Perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and dreams are all part of it. We all have a belief system that we adhere to. We live in a world of myths. Their universe explains how the universe works, how the sun rises, and how humans are born. My reality explains why the sun rises and why humans exist.
