
Write a short composition comparing or contrasting two things. Your introduction should be one paragraph, your body should be approximately three paragraphs, and your conclusion should be one paragraph. You may want to review the options for the first exam question. One option requires you to compare or contrast two things, and you can get a better understanding of that by completing this activity.

Some suggested topics are (1) your mother and father, (2) city and country life, (3) childhood and adulthood, or (4) movies and books.

Be sure to prewrite and plan your writing. Before you begin the actual writing, you may also wish to compose a clear thesis statement to focus your thinking. Place the statement somewhere in your first paragraph to keep your writing on track. Many times, the thesis statement works nicely as the last sentence of the first paragraph. The thesis statement can top off an interesting lead-in. Each paragraph in the body should have a strong topic sentence that clearly supports your stated thesis. To make your comparisons or contrasts coherent, use transitional words and phrases like as well as, different from, in contrast, just as, like, on the other hand, the same as, and unlike. Conclude by summarizing the key details of the body. Don’t introduce new material, but do try to give a fresh twist to the wording of your important points. Your reader will be bored if you say exactly what you said before.

Your paragraph should include an introduction, body, and conclusion and include phrases that compare and contrast (like, as well as, on the other hand, and so on).

Respuesta :


The purchase of a computer comes with several additional monthly and annual costs. Bills for broadband Internet service (approximately $90) and additional electricity usage (approximately $10) would add a monthly cost of $100. Annually, the cost for Internet and electricity would be $1,200.

The antivirus software must be renewed every year (approximately $20). So, the approximate annual cost rises to $1,220. Plus, I will have to buy paper and cartridges for the printer from time to time.

I could reduce the cost of Internet access by opting for a low-speed connection, but that would prevent me from making the most of my computer. Even though the cost of broadband is quite high, the computer is worth it. I can think of many ways that the computer can benefit me over time. I can use it to earn some money by doing part-time work, writing a blog, or contributing to a video channel. The computer will meet my business, academic, social, and entertainment needs. So I believe my purchase is justified.


Mother and Father both have different personalities and both have their separated responsibilities towards the family an toward the society.The Positive attitude of Mother which indicates a good motivator and very positive and the Negative attitude of the Mother over compensate.

In same way the Positive traits of the father includes hard worker , and goal oriented and the negative traits of the father the way of thinking .The country is much populated as compare to city, the Country consist of large buildings , office , big big roads whereas City surrounded by lush green farms, clean environment .

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