LCD stands for the least common denominator.
The least common multiple of the denominators can be calculated as follows;
denominators are 2,16 and 8
divide all by 2 2/2 = 1 16/2 = 8 8/2 = 4
Divide by 2 1 8/2 = 4 4/2 = 2
Divide by 2 1 4/2 = 2 2/2 = 1
Divide by 2 1 2/2 = 1 1
multiply - 2x2x2x2 = 16
16 is the least common multiple of 2,16 and 18
[tex] \frac{1}{2} [/tex] multiply both by 8 - [tex] \frac{8}{16} [/tex]
[tex] \frac{3}{16} [/tex] as it is
[tex] \frac{7}{8} [/tex] multiply both by 2 - [tex] \frac{14}{16} [/tex]
answer is 8/16,3/16,14/16