The Kamchatka Tsunami was generated by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake on November 4, 1952, in East Russia.The local tsunami, which generated waves as high as 50 feet, caused extensive damage to the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands, and left an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 people dead. Waves traveled as far as Peru, Chili and New Zealand, but the largest damage to other areas of the Pacific Ocean occurred in the Hawaiian Islands. In Alaska, the Aleutian Islands and California, tsunami waves of up to 4.6 feet were observed.The Hawaiian Islands suffered the greatest tsunami damage outside of the local area. Damage was estimated at $17 million and included a great deal of damage to shorelines and infrastructure, including destruction of a small bridge connecting to Coconut Island to the shore. The highest waves were observed on the north shore of Oahu Island; they were nearly 15 feet in height.Six cows were killed in Hawaii, but there were no human deaths attributed to the tsunami.