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not to be rude or anything but its 25 point CX but anyway history is repeating its self in every state all the time it is eailsy repeated, you have to recreat the exact timing
- In the mid 2007 time the economy was horrible (such as stocks going down at alarming rates), this repeats the Great Depression but it was not as bad as the Depression was.
- Assassinations of leaders. Some famous leaders such as Abraham Lincoln and MLK were assassinated. In this era we have an example of JFK. The case between Lincoln and JFK's assassinations are really interesting and have many similarities within the killers you can read more about it online.
- Hitlers mass genocide can be slightly compared to the amount of deaths in Syria. Not necessary the NUMBER of people killed but you know its the same type of killing mass numbers of people.
- Diseases, one famous disease was the Black Plague that killed many people. Now one disease we can name that killed many people is Ebola that was pretty recent.
If you need more PM me :)~
- Assassinations of leaders. Some famous leaders such as Abraham Lincoln and MLK were assassinated. In this era we have an example of JFK. The case between Lincoln and JFK's assassinations are really interesting and have many similarities within the killers you can read more about it online.
- Hitlers mass genocide can be slightly compared to the amount of deaths in Syria. Not necessary the NUMBER of people killed but you know its the same type of killing mass numbers of people.
- Diseases, one famous disease was the Black Plague that killed many people. Now one disease we can name that killed many people is Ebola that was pretty recent.
If you need more PM me :)~