Jane is a orphan in a threatening home. This mirrors the topic of social status in light of the fact that Jane is low on the chain of command in a generally high-class condition. She is a female youngster who is viewed as not as much as a worker, in light of how naughty she is. She is to view John as an ace despite the fact that he abuses her, and this makes social position a tremendous subject that is just elevated by her orphan status. This status likewise mirrors the theme of independence, in light of the fact that Jane is vigorously subject to individuals and frequently discusses herself as a slave. She can't get things done without anyone else on the grounds that she has no freedom, particularly since she has no family to have a place with. Another topic is love, and how, as an orphan, Jane feels disliked and disengaged. She doesn't have a family to feel adored in and feels estranged from her far off housemate relatives.