1.first African-American or Black mayor of a major southern cit (Atlanta).
2.only United States President from Georgia; also a Georgia state senator and governor, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
3.the Olympic Games are an international athletic event that occurs every four years; the 1996 Olympic Games were awarded to Atlanta and the state of Georgia; Georgia has benefited
economically due to the games.
4.important civil rights leader who was 1st Black man elected to Congress since reconstruction; was appointed as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations by President Jimmy Carter; Mayor of Atlanta; was also instrumental in bringing the 1996 Olympic Games to Atlanta.
5.Leader of Civil Rights; Founder of SCLC; Gave a famous speech at March on Washington; Was arrested at the Albany Movement
6.One of the last openly segregationist politicians in Georgia; Banned blacks from his restaurant; Ironically, as governor, her appointed more African Americans to government jobs than any other GA politician.
7.Civil Rights protest led by members of SNCC; MLK spoke and was arrested; Goal was to desegregate the city
Jimmy Carter = # 2, Martin Luther King jr.=#5, 1996 Olympic=#3, Albany Movement=#7, Mayor Maynard Jackson=#1, and Mayor Andrew Young=#4, and finally Lester Maddox=#6.