1. PbO is a possible formula units, since O has charge of 2- and Pb can have a charge of 2+ or 4+, if it uses the 2+ ion, the charges will balance out to form PbO. Li+ and B(3-) would have Li3B, Al(3+) and Pb(2+) are both positive charges and would not balance out, Cl- and O(2-) are both negative charges and would not balance out.
2. Iodine is a halogen, so it has a charge of -1. Calcium is an alkaline earth metal in Group 2, so it has a charge of 2+. Therefore, if they were to form a formula unit, the resultant would be CaI2 (2 iodine atoms of 1- charge are needed to balance out the 2+ charge on the calcium atom).
3. Strontium is an alkaline earth metal with a charge of 2+, while phosphorus has a charge of 3-. Therefore, to balance the charges out, we would need 3 atoms of strontium and 2 atoms of phosphorus. This would give the formula unit of Sr3P2.