ut of the six cases discussed in this lesson (Worcester v. Georgia, Korematsu v. United States, Miranda v. Arizona, Tinker v. Des Moines, United States v. Nixon, and Bush v. Gore), pick one case to discuss. If you were Supreme Court justice would you have ruled in the same manner as they did? Why or why not?

Respuesta :

Tinker v. Des Moines. 
If I was a Supreme Court justice, I would have ruled in the same manner as they did (in favor of Tinker) because of the 1st amendment. The freedom of speech applies anywhere within the United States of America and its territories. Taking away that right in schools when it isn't even disruptive (they were only wearing black armbands), is against the U.S. Constitution
Yes, because they all go by the Consitution. You have to follow the Constitution when it comes to the Supreme Court. Their decisions were made by the amendments of our Founding Fathers.