A student must find the total mass of several bouncing balls but none of the balls or remain on a triple beam balance propose a method for measuring the mass of the bouncing balls using the balance

Respuesta :

Measure each weight one at a time then find the total weight

A method for the student to find the total mass of the balls, without the problems of the balls not remaining in the balance, to synchronize a type of container or box that could house all the balls. With the container still empty, the student should weigh the container and note the weight.  After that, the student should place the balls into the container and weigh the container along with the balls and note the weight.

In the second weighing the student will have the weight of the container along with the weight of the balls, but in the first weighing the student weighed the container alone. Thus, we can conclude that if the student subtracts the weight of the balls with the container by the hair of the soxinho regipiente, the student will result in the total mass of the balls.