Phoebe's motion is a "random walk" with a "reflecting barrier." It works out that the expected number of days for Pheobe to end up N positions from her start at one end of the row is N^2. Even if Will adopts the strategy of always eating at the middle restaurant, it may take Phoebe 16 or more days to finally get there if she starts at the end. 16 days is beyond the 2-week time period.
If will goes hunting for Phoebe, there always exists the possibility that she next eats at the restaurant he just left. Will cannot know, for example, that Phoebe will always eat at even numbered restaurants on even days. (She may eat at odd restaurants on those days.) Consequently, he has no basis for narrowing his search.
While I believe eating at the middle restaurant, thus narrowing the possible range of motion of Phoebe, is Will's best strategy, it is certainly not guaranteed to find Phoebe.