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Rutherford suggested that electrons circumnavigated the core like planets around the sun. Be that as it may, his model couldn't clarify nuclear line spectra  why metals or their mixes emit trademark hues when warmed. Bohr enhanced Rutherford's model by recommending that electrons went about the core in circles that had particular vitality levels. They could hop starting with one level then onto the next yet couldn't be at wherever in the middle of, and they would assimilate or produce particular measures of vitality (quanta) when they hopped between levels. Bohr's model was a change since it clarified why the light radiated by molecules comprises of lines of specific hues. At the point when a metal particle is warmed, it ingests vitality and the electrons bounce to higher vitality levels. At the point when the electrons come back to bring down levels, they transmit this vitality in bundles of particular energies.