Respuesta :

The letters are chemical elements found in abiotic and biotic molecules and assemblies produced in solar ovens. H is produced in the Big Bang, up to 75% of all the initial nuclear and atomic matter of the universe. C is produced in a fine-tuned, multi-step fusion process within stars that involved the combining of He nucleus's and Be. O and N are similarly created. Supernovas and other star death events dispersed the elements throughout the universe and eventually collected in other stars, and in planets and other objects.

While the elements are critical for the formation of life, there are no naturalistic processes capable of such biochemical assembly. The origin of life on Earth was an intelligent designed event that combined the elements into multi-level coded nucleotides of millions of molecules, all homochiral amino acids and the sugar backplane. Also included is the proteins and lipids of a cell membrane critical for cellular function and insulation.