​[related to solved problem ​#1​] ​mcdonald's typically serves breakfast until only​ 10:30
a.m. on weekdays and​ 11:00
a.m. on weekends. in​ 2015, the company began to experiment with serving breakfast all day at various locations in san diego. several owners of​ mcdonald's restaurants,​ however, point out that offering breakfast 24 hours a day presents two logistical​ problems: (1) burgers and other meats need to be cooked at a higher temperature than​ eggs, so it would be difficult for employees to set the grill at the right temperature for both​ foods; and​ (2) scrambled eggs require employees to continually​ stir, while hamburgers​ don't require this attention. in​ addition, some customers might buy the cheaper breakfast than the more expensive lunch or dinner meals. ​source: associated​ press, "mcdonald's gives​ all-day breakfast a test​ try," usatoday.com​, march​ 30, 2015; and susan befield and leslie patton.​ "what so hard about a​ 24/7 mcmuffin?" bloomberg busines week​, may​ 12, 2013. from an economics​ perspective, to determine whether to serve breakfast all​ day, mcdonald's should

Respuesta :

overcome the problems: reduce CEO bonuses temporarily and invest in 24/7 mcmuffin for at least a quarter

1. get more grills or one with multi temperature settings, done
2. have an automated scrambler mechanism that just needs to be put into the eggs
3. advertise the hell out of the benefits of eating more expensive burgers and fries at night than less expensive eggs, make obesity hip

see if this produces a desired profit and axt accordingly