1) Cellulose - extracellular location, glycosidic bond, β-linkage. Cellulose is polysaccharide composed of glucose linked with β-1,4 bons.
2) Messenger RNA - informational macromolecule, phosphodiester bridge, helical structure possible, synthesis requires a template. mRNA is nucleic acid, mRNA is translated into a polymer of amino acids.
3) Globular protein - peptide bond, helical structure possible, synthesis requires a template. Protein is composed of amino acid linked with peptide bond, secundary structure can be α-helix, gene expression.
4) Amylopectin - branched-chain polymer, glycosidic bond, helical structure possible. Amylopectin is subunit of starch, sugar with α-1,4 and α-1,6 glycosidic bonds.
5) DNA - informational macromolecule, phosphodiester bridge, helical structure possible, synthesis requires a template, nucleoside triphosphate. DNA is helical chain of nucleotides carrying the genetic instructions.
6) Fibrous protein - peptide bond, helical structure possible. Protein is composed of amino acid linked with peptide bond