Respuesta :
The answer is book the plane ticket because all the other answers have nothing to do with travel dates, names, number of passengers, payment method and email account.
Para reservar el pasaje de avión por Internet, tenemos que entregar información relevante como las fechas de viaje, los nombres, número de pasajeros, la forma de pago y la cuenta de correo electrónico.
In English this means: To book the plane ticket on the internet, we have to give relevant information such as the trip dates, the names and number of passengers, the payment method and the e-mail account. All the other options are things people can do during the holidays. For example, “pedir el plato típic”o en el restaurant means to order the typical meal in the restaurant; “pasear por la playa” means to walk along the beach and “ver la selva desde el barco” means to see the jungle from the boat.