The pitch was up. The batter was in the box, ready to swing. He swings and a strike is called. The sentences could best be described as _____.
A. staccato
B. elongated
C. legato
D. enervated

Respuesta :

A. staccato.
The sentences are short. These short sentences are meant to capture the readers' attention. 


A. Staccato


Staccato sentences are short sentences that seem detached or separated from one another as they are abruptly disconnected. Writers or speakers tend to use this type of sentences often to break up the text of a piece of writing, to disrupt an event or emphasize the importance of a statement. This is exactly what the sentences from the excerpt shows: the author uses short sentences that do not have continuity (there are no conjunctions nor linking words to connect one sentence to the other), however, by putting the sentences in this way, the author also puts emphasis in the actions occurred in the scene.