
2. describe the relationship between an inner planets distance from the sun and its period of revolution.

3. Infer which planet, Mercury, Venus, or Mars, is most likely able to support life now or was able to in the past. Explain you answer.

Respuesta :

Our solar system has one and nearly nine planets in total. The inner planets distance from the sun is relatively closer which in advantage receives solar radiation and heat from the sun more and since these planets are closer to the sun their revolution is shorter as they are nearer to it.
According to most studies Venus and Mars were the planets that had possibly incurred life and such planets which have the same leverage as the earth could have sustain and provide lief yet many researchers and astrophysicists suggest that because of the weak atmosphere these plants possess, it has caused them to be more susceptible to the sun's extreme radiation and ultraviolet rays that caused its atmosphere to become thinner and finally was eradicated penetrating the sun's heat unto the surface and absorbing and declining the resources for life.