98% of Mexican citizens speak Spanish as their primary language.

83% of Mexican citizens belong to the Roman Catholic Church

Using these two facts, what can you conclude about Mexico?

A) It was influenced heavily by Spain.

B) It was influenced heavily by Brazil.

C) It remained free from European influences.

D) It has been the main influence on U.S. culture.

Respuesta :

The answer is A It was influenced heavily by Spain

The correct answer is A.

Spanish influence can be observed in many Latin American countries, including Mexico. These were Spanish colonies for centuries as Spanish people arrived in America in 1942 with Columbus expedition and lost their last territory, Cuba, in 1898. Mexico gained its independence in 1821.

Latin American poblators were forced to assimilate the language, culture, religion and customs of their conquerors. All of these have in the end mingled with the local structures and produced the current Latin American cultures and countries.