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Between direct and representative democracy there is not much difference since in both the suffrage is necessary to choose the people who will have in their hands the destinies of a country. Democracy is understood as the political system that defends the sovereignty of the people and the right of the people to elect and control their rulers.
For Aristotle democracy was not the best form of government. Government, Aristotle says, should be for people with time to pusue virtue, that's why, he favored monarchy or aristocracy.
Athenian Democracy. Athenians practiced direct democracy. It was restricted to male citizens. Women, slaves and non-residents were not able to exercise this right. The longest democratic leader was Pericles. Solon who was a wise man in Athens set up the basement of democracy. However, Spartans who are not considered a democracy by historians and who were rivals of Athenians had the first known constitution.
Rome democracy. Rome is considered a republic and a democracy. The were having trouble organizing themselves and they copied the Athenian system by sending a commision to see Solon's rules in Athens. They applied it in a form of twelve tables that transformed Rome's law. During many years there were many generals that supressed the senate many times.
Medieval time. there was a twist to representative democracy, bt there were many despotic kings or queens who didn´t want democracy.