
check my answers ASAP please?
Correct if wrong please .

1. Which of these terms is synonymous with the concept of intergenerational mobility ?

a) estate system
b) social stratification
c) vertical mobility
d) horizontal mobility <---

2. which of these two pairs of terms refers to the social standing of a particular status in a society or group ?

a) rank- status <---
b) segregation - vertical mobility
c) prestige- institution
d) socialization- status inconsistency

3. What is a housing unit ?

a) a house or apartment that constitutes separating living quarters <---
b) the person in whose name a house is owned or rented
c) the persons who are living in a house

4. who are the parental grandparents in a family?

a) parents of the father <---
b) parents of the grandfather
c) parents of the mother

5. which of these terms is defined as someone who is no longer married and has no remarried ?

a) separated
b) divorced
c) widowed <---

6.According to census 2000, which state has the largest number of households ?

a) Texas
b) new York
c) California <---

7. According to census 2000, what is the national median age for the total population ?

a) 45
b) 25
c) 35 <---