Everything is called victory because the society that he lives in tries to create a utopia in the sense that one is does not desire anything more than one has. In 1984, the government is trying to create a sense of contentment, a sense that their society is optimal. This is basically just another way of trying to keep the people, like Winston, from wondering what else the world has to offer, and uncovering secrets. In Winston's case, it doesn't necessarily make him feel more positive about the future; rather, it makes him feel a little perturbed, for he doesn't feel "victorious". Regarding others in the community, the word "Victory" seems to have lost in meaning. There is no longer power to it. "Victory" is an everyday word, implying that after victory, there is only content. This connotation that "victory" has, seems to affect people in one of two ways. The first, is to make them almost depressed, thinking that there is, perhaps, nothing to look forward to. The second is that it makes people feel as the government intended, content. They truly believe that they are living in the post-victory society, where all problems have been addressed, and evils conquered.