
A launch vehicle gives the spacecraft enough force to reach ___________. (Select One Answer)
a. the troposphere
b. orbit
c. supersonic speed
d. Germany

Respuesta :


-- The purpose of the launch vehicle is to give the spacecraft velocity,
not force.

-- The launch vehicle gives the payload the speed it needs, in the direction
it needs, to take it to wherever you want it to go. 

If it's a 'space'-craft, and perhaps you want it to stay in this neighborhood
for a while before sending it out on its long journey, you might launch it into
Earth orbit first.

The question is very broad.  If the payload is a TV satellite, then it would
be placed first into low Earth orbit, and only later raised to its operational,
geosynchronous orbit.  If the payload is a nuclear warhead, or a primitive,
deadly firecracker launched for resistance and fun from Gaza, then it would
be aimed to strike its ultimate destination by surprise and as soon as possible.