Respuesta :


I'm pretty sure that the "block" of which you speak is one in a pattern
of them that covers the drawing you have of the rectangle, and now
I need to explain something to you: 

The REASON for printing that drawing next to the question that you
partially copied is that the drawing has information that's needed to
answer the question with, and rather than repeat all that information
in the question, it just says "LOOK AT THE DRAWING !"

In fact, the whole point of the question may not be just to remind you of
what "perimeter" means.  It's more likely that the purpose of this problem
is to make you pick the information you need off of a drawing. 

Either way, if you'll kind of "read between the lines" of the part of the
question that you DID copy, it should be pretty obvious to you that nobody's
going nowhere in the direction of a solution without SEEing the drawing. 

So my bottom-line conclusion regarding a solution for this problem is: 
Not possible with the given information.